Wednesday, February 11, 2015

First Toe-1 day Post op

 I woke up this morning around 6 am, took another Ibuprofen, and got my son ready for school and myself ready for work. My toe looked ok, but I did have some minor bruising below the toe, I believe that's where I was injected with the Novocain. But other than that, it looked pretty normal. Lol

The morning after surgery. Notice the bruise. Very little swelling.

I drove my son to school and walked about three blocks to the train station. Now, I was able to walk without pain, but I had to walk slowly, which is hard for me to do because I’m a fast walker and the last thing I want to do is walk slow in the cold. But I was able to walk the three blocks to the train station, take two flights of stairs to the train platform without any trouble. At work, I wore my Crocs and kept my foot propped up on a box under my desk. Thank goodness I have a desk job! I took an Ibuprofen half-way through my day and was able to walk around the office a bit. 

On my walk home I was in pain. I had to walk extremely slow. It took me about twice as long to walk three blocks and it was freezing cold! I think I forgot to take an Ibuprofen before i left work, so I was limping. Plus I could feel my shoe getting a snug, which meant my foot was probably swollen. As soon as I got home I took a Vicodin to help with the pain. I kept my foot elevated and iced it for the rest of the evening. Let's hope tomorrow will be a better day.


  1. Hi Lilly, you never posted the rest of your story and I'm curious how your recovery went and the remainder of your toes to get done? I came across your doctor when doing internet searches for my own surgery, which I just had on my left foot yesterday. My doctor did all 3 toes on the left foot at once, I have implants in them and wires coming out for 4 weeks (but I can't see anything because it's all under bandages.) He has me in a tall stiff surgical boot I'm required to wear for 6 weeks, so I'm curious to know how you were able to manage without all that!

    1. How are your toes? I did both my feet at the same time. 2 toes on each foot. I have implants . All this was done in August 2020
