Monday, February 9, 2015


My name is Lily. I am a 34 years old female, married, with two boys, ages 6 and 18 months. After putting this off for so long, I have finally decided to have toe surgery this week to correct four of my toes. I have been in pain for the almost two years. I kept putting off the surgery first because I had just had a baby and I was not looking forward to wearing a huge cast or surgical boot on my foot for 2 months plus trying to manage a full time job and kids at home. Also, I could not take off work for the surgery since I was out on maternity leave last year for almost six months. So I did my research and found a podiatrist, Dr. Larry Keyes from Keyes for Toes in Oak Park, IL, that will do the corrections without having to wear a cast or unsightly surgical boot, no down time, and very minimal pain, so he says! His philosophy is that he does one toe at a time, in order to give your body time to recover. We Shall See….

Anyway, I am having toe number two on both feet shortened and straightened because they are too long and are causing me pain when I walk, no matter what shoes I wear. I am also have the fourth toe in both feet corrected due to having a painful corn on them. To add to my  foot problems, I also have bunions! I have a slight bunion on my left toe, which, for now, I am leaving alone since it doesn't bother me or cause me pain. The bunion on my right foot bothers me and I plan to have surgery for that later this year, maybe in the fall, with a different podiatrist, since Dr. Keyes only does toe corrections.I am scared…mainly because of the pain. I don’t take pain too well. But I have reasoned with myself that if I can have two children, via C-section, then this shouldn't be too bad, right? LOL

I decided to create this blog in hopes that it helps others that are looking into having this type of surgery. When I was doing my research, I found there wasn't much information out there as far as recovery and experience of people that had gone through this type of surgery. I hope that by sharing my experience, it will help others make a decision if this is the right surgery for them. Keep in mind that everyone’s experience is different, so my outcome may not be the same as others and this blog should, in no way be used as medical advice! I will try to provide updates frequently, but please understand that I have a full time job and am a full time mom as well. J

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